Agenda Archives Information, Examples, and Graphics
Agenda Archives 2021
OK Ethics May 2021 Virtual Agenda - “Ethical Decision Making Under Pressure” Richard Kyte Author and Endowed Professor/Director of the DB Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership, Viterbo University. May 2021 PowerPoint
OK Ethics April 2021 Virtual Agenda - “Making Space for Ethics” Robert Curbeam SVP - Space Capture, Maxar Technologies Former NASA Astronaut and Retired Captain in the U.S. Navy Record Holder for Most Spacewalks During a Single Spaceflight
OK Ethics March 2021 Virtual Agenda - “Staying True to Our Core Values During Difficult Times” Amber D. Bryant Senior Vice President, HR Operations, Bank of Oklahoma Financial
OK Ethics February 2021 Virtual Agenda - “How Medical Ethics Can Inform Business Ethics” John Henning Schumann, MD, President, University of Oklahoma – Tulsa
OK Ethics January 2021 Virtual Agenda - “What Living Abroad Taught Me About Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” Dr. Talia Carroll, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion, Oklahoma City University
Agenda Archives 2020
OKC & Tulsa November 2020 Zoom Agenda - "The Role of Leaders in Promoting Ethics" - Katricia G. Pierson, Ph.D., President, East Central University
OKC & Tulsa October 2020 Zoom Agenda - "The night the sports world stopped: A study of ethical leadership when the stakes are high" - Will Syring, Vice President, Corporate Partnerships, Oklahoma City Thunder
OKC & Tulsa Agenda May 2020 Zoom Agenda - "Seven Survival Skills" - Jim Priest, CEO, Goodwill Industries of Central Oklahoma
OKC & Tulsa Chapter April 2020 Zoom Agenda "Recovering Leadership & Life: Creating a Healthy Workplace", Thomas Hill III, CEO, Kimray, Inc
OKC Agenda March 2020 - "What I Learned About Justice and Mercy by Serving on the State Board of Corrections Parole Board" - Adam Luck, CEO, City Care
Tulsa Agenda March 2020 - "What I Learned About Justice and Mercy by Serving on the State Board of Corrections Parole Board" - Adam Luck, CEO, City Care
OKC Agenda Unavailable - February 2020 - Event postponed due to inclement weather
Tulsa Agenda - February 2020 - Keith Kochner “The Mentor”
Agenda Archives 2019
OKC Agenda - November 2019 - "Finding Purpose - Overcoming Fear to Live Authentically" - Kelli Masters
Tulsa Agenda - November 2019 "Finding Purpose - Overcoming Fear to Live Authentically" - Kelli Masters
OKC Agenda - October 2019 - 'Too Much of a Good Thing" Panel Discussion
Tulsa Agenda - October 2019 - "Too Much of a Good Thing" Panel Discussion
OKC Agenda - September 2019 - Dr. Nathan Mellor
Tulsa Agenda - September 2019 - Dr. Nathan Mellor
OKC Agenda - August 2019 - Dr. David Burkus
OKC Agenda - April 2019 - OK Ethics Awards - Roy Spence
OKC Agenda - March 2019 - Unity in the Community Panel
Tulsa Agenda - March 2019 "Unity in the Community"
OKC Agenda - February 2019 - Ron Hall
Tulsa Agenda February 2019 - Discerning the Truth Panel
Tulsa Handouts - February 2019 from Dick Pryor Tulsa Handouts - February 2019 from Megan Weinkauf
OKC Agenda January 2019 - Responsibility Panel
Tulsa Agenda January 2019 - Hot Topics Panel
Agenda Archives 2018
OKC Agenda November 2018 - Sarita Maybin
Tulsa Agenda November 2018 - Sarita Maybin
OKC Agenda October 2018 - Mayor David Holt
Tulsa Agenda October 2018 - Clay Gaspar
OKC Agenda September 2018 - Nathan Mellor
Tulsa Agenda September 2018 - Ted Hinson
OKC Agenda August 2018 - Judge Panel
Tulsa Agenda August 2018 - Dr. Gerry Clancy
OKC Agenda June 2018 Agenda - Media Panel
OKC Agenda May 2018 - Thomas Hill
Tulsa Agenda May 2018 - #Me TooPanel
OKC Agenda April 2018 - Clifton Taulbert
Tulsa Agenda April 2018 - Bill Blankenship Agenda
OKC Agenda March 2018 Statewide Awards - Dr. Rick Rigsby
February 2018
Note that the scheduled OKC event was postponed due to an ice storm.
Special Note for Tulsa February 2018 event: Mr. Taulbert spoke for 35 minutes; Dr. Rigsby video presented for 10 minutes; Guiding Principle discussed for 5 minutes = 50 minutes
February 2018 Agenda - Clifton Taulbert
January 2018
Tulsa Agenda - Not recommended for CPE; Melinda Stinnett, Ethical Culture
Agenda Archives 2017
No programs in December 2017
November 2017 - OKC featuring keynote speaker Tracey Jones, USAF Gulf War Veteran and President of Tremendous Leadership November 2017 - Tulsa featuring keynote speaker Tracey Jones, USAF Gulf War Veteran and President of Tremendous Leadership
October 2017 OKC featuring keynote speaker Jim Owen, Cowboy Ethics October 2017 Tulsa featuring keynote speaker Jim Owen, Cowboy Ethics
September 2017 OKC featuring keynote speakers Dr. Brad Agle and Bill O'Rourke, Business Ethics Survival Guide September 2017 Tulsa featuring keynote speaker Dr. Brad Agle
August 2017 OKC featuring James Bennett, CEO SandRidge Energy August 2017 Tulsa Panel on Corporate Social Responsibility
No OKC programs held in OKC in July June 2017 OKC Special Workshop: Compromise featuring Jim Priest, Lyn Watson & Dr. Gavin Enck No programs held in Tulsa in June or July
May 2017 - OKC featuring keynote speaker Bob Funk, Express Employment Professionals May 2017 - Tulsa Awards and keynote speaker Brett Pratt, US Beef
April 2017 - OKC Annual Awards featuring keynote speaker Dr. Nathan Mellor
No program in Tulsa March 2017 - OKC - Michelle Correia Templin March 2017 - Tulsa - Michelle Correia Templin
February, 2017 - OKC - Mike Ming February 2017 - Tulsa - Mayor G. T. Bynum
January 2017 - Tulsa - Steve Laswell January 2017 - OKC - Michael Carolina
Agenda Archives 2016
October 2016 - OKC - Dave Lieber October 2016 - Tulsa - Dave Lieber September 2016 - OKC - Johnny Quinn September 2016 - Tulsa - Tom Tropp August 2016 - OKC - Panel Discussion August 2016 - Tulsa - Melissa McLawhorn Houston Ethics During Adversity (PowerPoint) May 2016 - OKC - Melissa McLawhorn Houston May 2016 - Tulsa - Mike Wooten April 2016 - OKC - Annual Awards Program April 2016 - Annual Award Program March 2016 - OKC - GiANT Partners March 2016 - Tulsa - Shane Fernandez (Diversity & Ethics) February 2016 - OKC - Mellor (Positivity) February 2016 - Tulsa - Mellor (Positivity) January 2016 - OKC - Ethics: Happiness & Economic Prosperity January 2016 - Tulsa - Andrew Ziola
Agenda Archives 2015
November 2015 - OKC - Jones November 2015 - Tulsa - Panel October 2015 - OKC - D. Hager October 2015 -Tulsa - Muncrief September 2015 - OKC - JD Taylor September 2015 - Tulsa - Taylor August 2015 - OKC- Arthur Gibb, Ph.D. August 2015 - Tulsa- A. Gibb, Ph.D. "New Generation Ethics: Naval Leadership Lessons" - CDR Arthur Gibb, III, USN, Ph.D., PPT Aug 2015 July 2015 OK Ethics Bonus Program Booklet - D. Ahern June 2015 -Tulsa- J. Roberts May 2015 -OKC- OK Ethics Awards Agenda S. Howard April 2015 - OKC - Bruce Lawrence and Beth Pauchnick March 2015 Agenda - OKC - D. Woods and B. Douglas March 2015 Agenda - Tulsa- Ethics on Trial February 2015 - OKC- Marsha Petrie Sue February 2015 -Tulsa- MP Sue January 2015 - OKC - Ethics on Trial January 2015 - Tulsa Ethics Panel
Agenda Archives - 2014

Click the image above to view FY 14 -15 Member Guide. November 2014 OKC - Ron Paul Hill, Ph.D. November 2014 Tulsa - Ron Paul Hill, Ph.D. October 2014 - OKC - Doug Lawler October 2014 - Tulsa - Michael Hingson September 2014 - OKC - Dr. Stephen Prescott September 2014 - Tulsa - Sean Kouplen August 2014 - OKC - Cynthia Cooper August 2014 - Tulsa - Cynthia Cooper May 2014 - OKC - Ray Sanders May 2014 - Tulsa - Ray Sanders OK Ethics Awards Agenda - April 2014 - Keynote Speaker - Paula Marshall OK Ethics Awards Booklet 2014 April 2014 - OKC - "Trust, Triumph, and Teamwork" Michael Hingson (rescheduled from Feb) March 2014 - OKC - The Right Thing: "Lesson's From the Greatest Generation" - Dave Lopez March 2014 - Tulsa - "Cracking the Culture Code" - Libby Sartain February 2014 - OKC - "Trust, Triumph, and Teamwork" - Michael Hingson (rescheduled Apr 3) February 2014 - Tulsa - "You Were Never Called To Be Normal" - Warren Martin January 2014 - OKC - "Spiritual Intelligence: Leadership Edge" - Gael O'Brien January 2014 - Tulsa - "Leadership Edge" - Gael O'Brien
Agenda Archives - 2013

Click the image above to view FY 13 -14 Member Guide. December 2013 - OKC - "You Were Never Called To Be Normal" - Warren Martin December 2013 - Tulsa - 10 Year Anniversary Gala Agenda - Phil Lakin November 2013 - OKC -10 Year Anniversary Gala Agenda - Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb November 2013 - Tulsa - Authentic Communication Panel October 2013 - OKC - "Conquering Life's Curves" - Ed Hearn October 2013 - Tulsa - "Conquering Life's Curves" - Ed Hearn September 2013 - OKC - "The Trust Deficit: Breaking the Code of Silence" - Keith Darcy September 2013 - Tulsa - Integrity Wins: Facing "The Herd" - Mick Ukleja, Ph.D. August 2013 - OKC - Emotional Intelligence and Ethical Decision Making - Dr. Nathan Mellor, CEO, Strata Leadership and Character First August 2013 Tulsa - "Overcoming Cultural Barriers To Integrity” presented by, Lori Tansey Martens, CEO, International Institute For Business Ethics June 2013 - Tulsa - "Building Trustworthy Organizations...One Team, One Leader at a Time" - Rob Benson, Learning Unlimited\ May 2013 - Statewide Compass Awards - "The Reputation Doctor Is In" - Mike Paul, MGP & Associates April 2013 OKC - "Reviving Work Ethic" - Eric Chester, Speaker and Author April 2013 Tulsa - "Navigating Change With Ethics in Mind" - Robyn Ewing, Sr. VP and Chief Administrative Officer, Williams and Marcia MacLeod, Sr. V.P. of Human Resources & Administration WPX Energy March 2013 - OKC "Integrity + Purpose = Happiness" - Marilyn Tam Ph.D., Speaker, Author, Consultant, Board Certified Executive/Corporate/Leadership Coach, and Founder and Executive Director of Us Foundation. March 2013 - Tulsa "ReLaunch" - Dr. Mark Rutland, President, Oral Roberts University. February 2013 - OKC “Overcoming Cultural Barriers to Integrity” - Lori Tansey Martens, President and CEO, International Business Ethics Institute. February 2013 - Tulsa "Building a Winning Organization, Brad Frank, President, Tulsa Tube Bending January 2013 - OKC "Overcoming Contention and Divisiveness" - Wes Lane, Former OKC District Attorney and CEO, Salt and Light Leadership Training January 2013 - Tulsa "Surviving the Toxic Workplace" - Linnda Durré, Ph.D., author, psychotherapist, business consultant, national speaker
Agenda Archives - 2012
December 2012 - OKC "Love Works" - Joel Manby, author and CEO, Herschend Family Entertainment November 2012 - OKC "Fish! and the Power of Ethics" - Harry Paul, co-author, Fish!
November 2012 - Tulsa "Ethical Solutions to Conflict: Why Can't We Get Along?" - Panel Presentation October 2012 - OKC "Building Ethical Muscle" - Thomas Hill, Chairman, Kimray Inc. October 2012 - Tulsa "A Champion's Perspective" - Jay Wilkinson September 2012 - OKC "Integrity Wins: Facing the Herd" - Mick Ukleja, co-author of The Ethics Challenge: Strengthening Your Integrity in a Greedy World September 2012 Tulsa "Ethical Intelligence" - Bruce Weinstein, Ph.D., "The Ethics Guy" August 2012 - OKC "Transformative Leadership in a Global Society" - Don Betz, Ph.D., President, University of Central Oklahoma August 2012 - Tulsa "Women CEO's: How Ethics Paves the Way to the Top." - Panel Presentation June 2012 - Tulsa "Ethical Succession Planning - Kim Owen, former Vice President, QuikTrip Corporation May 2012 - OKC "An Ethical Approach to Substance Abuse" - Jim Priest, Executive Director of F.A.T.E. May 2012 - Tulsa "Doubting, Worrying & Wondering: The Path to Ethical Awareness" - Dr. Andrew Urich, J.D., Puterbaugh Professor of Ethics and Legal Studies Spears School of Business, Oklahoma State University April, 2012 - Compass Awards, Featuring Stephen M. R. Covey, author of Speed of Trust and Smart Trust; award recipients MESA, OGE Energy and Larry Nichols of Devon Energy. March 2012 - OKC, "The Slippery Slope"- Former WorldCom Controller, David Myers March 2012 - Tulsa "The Slippery Slope"- Former WorldCom Controller, David Myers February 2012 - OKC, "A Champion's Perspective" - Jay Wilkinson February 2012 - Tulsa "Ethics & Entrepreneurship: Your Personal Brand Matters", Clifton Taulbert, President, The Freemont Corporation Building Community Institue January 2012 - OKC, "Religion's Impact on Ethical Decision-making" Panel January 2012 - Tulsa "Moments Matter", OKC Thunder's Pete Winemiller
Agenda Archives - 2011
December 2011 - OKC - "Accountability", Panel December 2011 - Tulsa - "Character & Integrity: The Foundation of Outstanding Leadership", Scott Anderson, Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group November 2011 - OKC - "Everyday Heroes", General Tommy Franks November 2011 - Tulsa - "When Worlds Collide: Internal Conflict & External Communication" October 2011 - OKC - "Doing he Right Thing", Chuck Colson October 2011 - Tulsa - "The President's Son: A View from the White House", Steve Ford September 2011 - OKC - "The President's Son: A View from the White House", Steve Ford September 2011 - Tulsa - "The Insignificant Leader", David Woods, GiANT Partners August 2011 - OKC - "Integrity, Greed & Ambition", Tom Pace, PaceButler August 2011 - Tulsa - "Finding True North When Everything is Going South", Bob Goshen June 2011 - Tulsa -"Medical Ethics: More Drama Than Trauma", Tom Neff, Saint Francis Health System May 2011 - OKC - "Building Trust in Customer Relations", Panel Discussion May 2011 - Tulsa - "Yes, You Can", Jim Stovall April 2011 - Compass Awards with keynote speaker Major General Rita Aragon, Secretary of Veteran's Affairs 2011 Compass Awards Program March 2011 - OKC - "Peaceful Coexistence in the Workplace:Meeting conflict with humility and grace" presented by Ken Sande, Peacemakers March 2011 - Tulsa - "Making Character First" presented by Tom Hill, Kimray March 30, 2011- OKC - "How Not to Change...During Change" presented by John Gibson, ONEOK February 2011 - OKC - "Combating Negativity and Promoting Teamwork" presented by Lyn Watson, Strata Leadership, LLC February 2011 - Tulsa - "The Ethical Concerns of Love in the Workplace" A Panel Discussion January 2011 - OKC - "The Insignificant Leader" presented by David Woods, GIANT Partners January 2011 - Tulsa - "Flawed Leadership" presented by Ryan Ross, Hogan Assessment Systems
Agenda Archives - 2010
December 2010 - OKC - "Making Character First" presented by Tom Hill, Kimray Correction OKC CPE Certificates December 2010 - Tulsa - "Swimming Naked" presented by Donna Miller, Executive Resource Center November 2010 - OKC - "Criminal Intent" presented by Kevin Barnes Correction OKC CPE Certificates November 2010 - Tulsa - "Blended Brand Lines" - A Panel Discussion October 2010 - OKC - "Decencies: How Small Gestures Build Great Companies" presented by Stephen Harrison October 2010 - Tulsa - "Building an Ethical Business" presented by Tom Maxwell, CEO, Flintco September 2010 - OKC - "Emotional Vampires" presented by Marsha Petrie Sue September 2010 - Tulsa - "Ethics for Dummies" presented by Christopher Panza and Adam Potthast
August 2010 Symposium - OKC Chapter
Insert with Session Handouts Dr. Steven Agee - OCU Meinders School of Business "Crossing the Line: Economic Incentives and Ethical Behavior" Mike Crawford, CPA - Crawford & Associates "Ethics in Work and Life: Living a Life Worth Living" Julie Hakman - American Checked & Dr. Chris Wright - Reliant "Liar, Liar: Screening out the bad apples and hiring the winners" Dr. Scott Harris - Oklahoma Baptist University Graduate School (OKC) "Boundaries at the Workplace: Reclaim your personal life while achieving greater professional success" Steven Menzel - Character First Institute Menzel cover "Don't Settle: The key to making integrity work in your organization" Donna Miller, SPHR - Executive Resources Center, LLC "Swimming Naked" Dave Schlachter - Peacemaker Ministries "Resolving Everyday Conflicts" Dave Schlachter bio slope sheet Final About Us page 1 Final About Us page 2 Gayla Sherry - Gayla R. Sherry Associates, Inc. Sherry cover sheet "Conflict, Ethics and R-E-S-P-E-C-T: How to disagree without being disagreeable" August 2010 - Tulsa - "Civility Lost?" July 2010 - Tulsa - "LIAR LIAR" June 2010 - Tulsa - "The Pursuit of Something Better" (May Meeting agenda in three parts due to file size) "Lifting Others Up When The Chips Are Down" May 2010 - OKC Part 1 May 2010 - OKC Part 2 May 2010 - OKC Part 3 May, 2010 - Tulsa (no agenda prepared) April 2010 - OKC - Compass Awards with keynote speaker Tom McDaniel, OCU President March 2010 - OKC - "Sorry Works!" by Doug Wojcieszak CPE Handouts March 2010 - Tulsa -"The Speed of Trust" March 2010 - Tulsa continued February 2010 - OKC - David Prater - "The Ethics of Prosecution" Handout February 2010 - Tulsa - "Men of Integrity - The Tulsa Way" January 2010 - OKC - "Native American Wisdom" OK Ethics Board of Directors 2010 January 2010 - Tulsa (Postponed till May due to blizzard.)
Agenda Archives - 2009
December 2009 - Tulsa - "An Ethical Approach to Office Politics" CPE Handout December 2009 - OKC - "An Ethical Approach to Office Politics" CPE Handout November 2009 - OKC - "When Faith & Work Values Collide: Religion's Impact on Ethical Decision Making in the Workplace" A panel discussion Presentations - November 4 November, 2009 - Tulsa - "A Look at the Tulsa Economy & the US Finance Sector", David Page, Chase Bank October, 2009 - Moore Norman - "Ouch! RX for Ethical Bumps and Bruises", Carolyn Shockey October 2009 - OKC - John Richels, President of Devon Energy October, 2009 - Tulsa - "Ethical Dilemmas of Top Financial Officers" - A Panel Discussion September, 2009 - OKC - "The Speed of Trust", William Siems September, 2009 - Tulsa - Chet Cadieux, QuikTrip August, 2009 - Moore Norman - Dr Tom Boyd, "Ethical Maturity" August, 2009 - OKC - "Guideposts for Gut-Wrenching Decisions" - Exploring Ethical Implications of Layoffs August, 2009- Tulsa - "Staying in the Black While Going Green" - The rewards for doing the right thing with our environment - A panel discussion July, 2009 - Moore Norman - Vernon McKown, Ideal Homes on "Walking the Talk" June, 2009 - Tulsa - "Leading a Non-Profit Organization with Integrity in a Recession", Mark Graham, Tulsa Area United Way May, 2009 - OKC - NASBA program featuring Larry Bridgesmith, Lipscomb University on "Ethics and Interpersonal Conflicts" May, 2009 - Tulsa 5th Anniversary Event Statewide Compass Awards - April 2009 March, 2009 - OKC - Clifton Taulbert, "The Ethical Leader: Impact & Influences" March, 2009 - Tulsa - "Generations in the Workplace" - A panel discussion February, 2009 - OKC - "Swimming Naked: Bold Truths for Bad Times" February, 2009 - Tulsa - "Core Values & Corporate Responsibility - 100 Years of History" January, 2009 - OKC - "Generational Differences in Ethical Decision-Making" January, 2009 - OKC Program Description - See "Member Only" Section for download of handouts January, 2009 - Tulsa Agenda - Panel Discussion on "How Did We Get in This Mess, Anyway?" (Note that this is not a program that was recommended for CPE credit.)
Agenda Archives - 2008
January 2008 - OKC Meeting Agenda; Jim Priest on "The Ethics of Exits" January 2008 - Tulsa Meeting Agenda: "Risky Business" Panel Discussion February 2008 - OKC Meeting Agenda: "Organizational Evil" Panel Discussion February 2008 - Tulsa Meeting Agenda: David Rutkauskas, CEO of Beautiful Brands March 2008 - OKC Meeting Agenda: "Religion's Impact" Panel Discussion March 2008 - Tulsa Meeting Agenda: Rick Brinkley, CEO of Better Business Bureau STATEWIDE COMPASS AWARDS - APRIL 2008 May 2008 - OKC Meeting Agenda: Attorney General Panel May 2008 - Tulsa Meeting June 2008 - OKC Meeting: HR Executive Panel June 2008 - Tulsa Meeting Clifton Taulbert July, 2008 - OKC Meeting: KFOR's Kevin Ogle Guiding Principle - Humility (Discussion Points - Supplemental exercise)
August, 2008 - OKC Symposium (no agenda available - see handouts for CPE's)
August, 2008 - Tulsa Meeting: John Gibson, ONEOK September, 2008 - OKC Meeting, "Truth Under Fire" October, 2008 - OKC Meeting, "The Oklahoma Standard" by Kirk Humphreys November, 2008 - OKC Thunder, General Manager Sam Presti November, 2008 - Tulsa Meeting December, 2008 - OKC Hospital Executives Panel Handout for Health Care Panel December, 2008 - Tulsa Joint OSCPA Meeting (Note - No agenda available; see presentation notes from Steve Burrage, State Auditor.) Agenda Banners: contact Shannon Warren for banners to be used headers for meeting agendas.
Agenda Archives - 2007
Agenda Archives - 2006
Agenda Archives - 2005
Agenda Archives - 2004