The OK Ethics Story

Who Knew? Certainly not the handful of people who started a small discussion group in the fall of 2003. That little group grew by word-of-mouth to nearly double attendance at every meeting for the first few months. The Oklahoma Business Ethics Consortium has grown to nearly 900 individual members representing more than 200 companies. And, this was primarily accomplished through the efforts of dedicated volunteers.

What started in Oklahoma City as a grassroots effort, kicked into high gear during the summer of 2004, when business leaders and educators from Tulsa and Oklahoma City gathered for a strategic planning session in Stroud, Oklahoma. By then, we figured we were “onto something big” and decided to formalize into what has become known as “OK Ethics.” The purpose became clear: to help one another in reinforcing standards of ethical behavior while remaining true to our humble roots.

Now We Know! Most business leaders truly care about integrity in the workplace. In addition to the Consortium’s regular monthly forums on ethical issues, OK Ethics hosts an annual Compass Awards program to share best practices in business ethics. In past years, attendance has climbed steadily to over 400 individuals who come together to honor highly ethical companies in our business community.


Oklahoma Business Ethics Consortium Accessibility Policy


Oklahoma Business Ethics Consortium is committed to facilitating the accessibility of its website and events for all people. Please be aware that our efforts to ensure website accessibility are ongoing. If you at any time have specific questions or concerns about the accessibility of any particular web page, please contact our Member Care Coordinator at [email protected] or by calling (405) 889-0498.  


Information about membership and events may be obtained by contacting OK Ethics at [email protected] or by calling (405) 889-0498.


If you are interested in attending an event and need an accommodation to attend or participate in the event, please contact OK Ethics at [email protected] or by calling (405) 889-0498 as soon as possible but at least five business days prior to the event.