2014 Statewide OK Ethics Awards

2014 Opening Ceremony Photos

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Click here to view booklet    

Click here to  view Agenda

Awards Volunteer Bags Welcome and kudos by Travis Jones
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Travis Jones displays 10 Year anniversary book. Isaiah Bailey leads with song, "Oklahoma". Heather Griswold, Executive Director, Oklahoma Quality Foundation. OK Ethics Founder, Shannon Warren


2014 Photo Gallery Executive Pilot Recipient - Jim Priest

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Randy Thurman introducing Jim Priest Randy presents award to Jim Jim at the podium Executive Pilot - Jim Priest Jim with family


2014 Compass Award Recipient - Hertz


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  Oscar Jackson presents to Jeannie Henry of Dollar Thrifty. Jeannie Henry accepts on behalf of Hertz. Hertz

2014 Compass Award Recipient - WPX Energy



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  Compass Awards Co-chair, Mike Strong presents to WPX Energy. Mike Strong at podium while Bob Byrne presents to WPX Energy. Bob Byrne and Bob Dennis WPX Energy


2014 Photo Gallery Community Impact Award Recipients

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Edith Steel Presents to Kevin Waltman of Champlin Broadcasting. Champlin Broadcasting Edith Steele presents to Ashley Muns of Dove Science Academy. Dove Academy
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Edith Steel present to Robert Miracle, University of Oklahoma Integrity Council. University of Oklahoma Integrity Council Edith Steel presents to Dr. Dennis Portis of Metro Technology Centers. Metro Technology Centers
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Presentation to Girl Scout of Western Oklahoma Girl Scout of Western Oklahoma Bob Byrne presents to Roberta Preston, Girl Scouts Eastern Oklahoma. Girl Scouts Eastern Oklahoma
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Bob Byrne present to Heather Oakley of Global Gardens. Global Gardens    


2014 OK Ethics Award Keynote Speaker - Paula Marshall, CEO, The Bama Companies Inc.

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Tulsa Chapter Founder, Lynn Flinn introducing Paula Marshall Lynn Flinn Keynote speaker, Paula Marshall Lynn Flinn, Paula Marshall, and Shannon Warren Mike Strong and Paula Marshal


Volunteers and Guests - Thank you for supporting OK Ethics and integrity at work.

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Registration Team Guests at head table. Guest table   Lynn Flinn and Jessica Cordt    


Oklahoma Business Ethics Consortium Accessibility Policy

Oklahoma Business Ethics Consortium is committed to facilitating the accessibility of its website and events for all people. Please be aware that our efforts to ensure website accessibility are ongoing. If you at any time have specific questions or concerns about the accessibility of any particular web page, please contact our Member Care Coordinator [email protected] and (405) 558-1193.  

Information about membership and events may be obtained by contacting OK Ethics at [email protected] and (405) 558-1193.

If you are interested in attending an event and need an accommodation to attend or participate in the event, please contact  OK Ethics at [email protected] and (405) 558-1193 as soon as possible but at  least five business days prior to the event.